Thursday, August 4, 2011

In the bloody spirit of the game...

He said he was being naive..the coach and the skipper ran to the other side of the dressing room..said.."Hey Skip...ol' bloke's crying..reconsider the" Pat came the reply.." the spirit of the i pronounce thy Ian as not out !!!"

All right..rewind...lets go back a week early...two may it we go...

"Monty..too naive of you to bowl to the great guy..don't do it bugger...he's gonna whack good ol' swine ..."

So can anyone tell me...what exactly is not in the spirit of the game..?? Building strategies against the opponent is certainly not..Being a cry baby is absolutely not either..

lets admit the facts..we played horrendous cricket..didn't apply ourselves to the game..and England played like true champs..they bowled well..batted well..their execution was perfect to the t..

Does that mean, we have forgotten the basics of the game ?? Absolutely not...

Honestly..I really don't care about the ranking..its better to be a rank 2 and play good cricket.. Even if we lose the test series..we would probably be having a better knowledge about our strengths and weaknesses, so that we don't take a injury prone, half fit bowling spearhead on a defining series..or a certain turbanator..who just needs to go back to domestic games and re-work on his vicious turners..every time we get into a spot, we expect Mr. nice guy to be our savior..or a very very special man to play his tune of 281 every time.. Lets say..even some times, God has a bad day..some times..a bad series..

As the age old proverb says..When the going gets tough..the tough gets going..A home returning siddhu and 96' gave us Ganguly and really hoping to see someone of that caliber..I would really like to see someone stand and whack those pommies..

Am really not blaming dhoni for withdrawing the appeal...coz' apart from that certain goodwill, we probably have nothing to take back from that test match..some times, i really feel sorry for this guy..

Anyway, the task for the next game is pretty simple..go out with all guns a good hard..

Nothing is going to please us fans more than a battered Broad..a gutted Anderson..a hammered Bresnan..a utter rubbish Boycott...a confused 'oh-i-played-96-tests-but-still-need-pounds-to-voice-my-opinions-on-starcricket' Hussein..a 'i-tweet-my-ass' Vaughan..and a 'stumps kicking' Swine...

And oh matter what..the so called critics of the game(some here on FB too !) predict..God's gonna get his 100th..blimey !!

In the bloody spirit of the game...Let us die facing our foes, make them bleed while we can!

P.S :- Honest mistake..that's Swann, not swine !! ;-)

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